Architecture and graphic design overlap in our work — the former functions as a frame of reference, the latter as a mode of operating.

Our work is co-operative in nature — it is a reflection of combined interests and is the basis for working with content and form simultaneously. Reciprocity, the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, should exist at all levels of the work.

We match the medium to the project to address its communication needs. A project's desired outcome asks for specific models of public engagement: relative mobility, changeability, ubiquity, collaboration, accessability. The primary mechanism to find form and enable ideas is the book — it is a tool for both thinking and communicating. The book is a disciplinary mechanism well-suited to organize, compile, distill, edit, refine, propose, critique, promote, project, materialize, sequence, pin down, alter, pair, juxtapose, justify, scale, and measure ideas to their outcomes.

To that end, the office works on public and private projects, most often in the areas of architecture, art, design, and culture with a special interest and experience in working on projects from initial conception, formation, all the way through material delivery. This degree of coordination we generate between our collaborators and craftspeople gives us the ability to align the project from beginning to end with its message, content, material, manufacture, and delivery.

Most of all, the practice is dedicated to finding ways to link subjects with objects.